Export of electricity has reached the highest level in history what eased financial problems that Albanian Electricity Power Utility (KES) faces.
Last information from KES show that around 10 million KWH is exported from KES on daily basis which refers to 10 million EUR monthly. KES confirmed that they expect high level of export to remain same during June because of big water reservoirs on the cascade on Drim River where three Albanian HPPs, “Fierza”, “Koman” and “Vau te Dajes”, are placed. Accumulation level of “Fierza in on maximal quote of 296,9 meters.
Three HPPs are working in full capacity and they satisfy all needs of domestic market with its production and a part that goes to export. KES cashed in 20 million EUR from exported electricity only during March and April. Historically highest export of electricity not only eases hard financial situation of KES which is indebted by throat in private banks but it also has positive influence on Albanian export which recorded an increase by 17% in the first three months with the reference to the same period last year.