Previous government considered the construction of hydroelectric power plants across the country his pride. Not caring about the damage that is caused to the environment, he has awarded 388 concessions.
As published by newspaper Dita, although were granted 388 concessions for the construction of hydroelectric power plants, only 10 of them are currently working. Albania is currently using only 40% of its hydropower reserves for the production of renewable energy, and all potentials have become hostage to corrupt or incompetent officials.
The situation is literally wasted. For most of the concessions, investments are not implemented at all, or there was a long delay. About 15 cases are identified in which we found out that these companies are fictitious. When all this translates into money, it means that money remains blocked and is not injected into the economy of the country. In this way the main national wealth remained blocked, confirms Dita daily news in their assessment.
Source; Serbia Energy See desk/Dita