“Serbia will lose billion Euros of direct foreign investments which are ready and wait…” it was written in the text “Price swings wind parks”, because wind generators won’t be built. Ministry of Energy wants to decrease amount of state subsidies thru feed in tariffs.
Consequently, Serbia won’t be able to complete overtaken obligations and insure renewable sources contribution to 27% of total energy consumption until 2020” it is concluded in the text. To set conclusions is pretty unpleasant at time when we need even smaller investments. However, is it everything like this?
One of the answers could be biomass energy exploration for which the state increased the feed in tariffs recently.
Water resources, sun and geothermal energy, biomass and waste materials with communal or industrial background are also renewable energy sources next to wind energy. Proper analyzes, done in developed countries, shows that cheapest electricity or heating energy can be produced from biomass if it is burned with coal in existing thermal drive.
The reason is low investment costs so produced KWH from biomass burned with coal is two times cheaper than KWH gained from geothermal energy or landfill, three times cheaper than the one gained from wind, and more than seven times cheaper compared to sun energy, even though wind, sun and geothermal energy is free.
Energy and environmental effects of coal compensation with domestic solid and renewable fuels were estimated in the previous study of opportunities and techno-economic justification of renewable sources use in electricity production of “Elektroprivreda Srbije” done in laboratory for thermodynamic and energy of “Vinča” Institute, adopted in EPS in the mid of last year.
The fact that solid renewable fuels are not meaningless energy resource in Serbia (without KiM) at all, comes from mentioned study, despite that the reconstruction methodology was applied. More than 1.700 of ktoe (ktoe-energy consisted in ton of oil), and about 300ktoe yearly comes from waste biomass with oil and agricultural background.
EPS could use around 550ktoe from mentioned renewable sources yearly, i.e. to produce about 2 billion of KWH, what presents 8, 5% of electricity produced in EPS power plants in 2010 (without KiM).
That would accomplish annual savings of 3million tons of coal, improve annual balance of the country in emitted carbon dioxide for 1,9million tons yearly, and amount of ash from domestic power plants would decrease for 600.000tons minimally, not to speak about sulfur and other damaging substances in flue gas.
Electricity or heating energy production from harmless waste substances (where biomass presents half of it) will solve many communal and industrial problems, and benefits from environmental protection will be priceless with abandonment of waste storage on landfills’ practice.
Comparing to other renewable energy sources, they showed that use of biomass and harmless waste materials like energy helps opening of new work places, as well as rural areas development.
On the other side, developed countries encourage own production of wind generators and sun energy collectors and that way they help opening of new work places. It is export-oriented industry at the same time, so newly opened work places are being financed most from borrowed accumulation.
Source Serbia Energy Magazine