According to data published by the Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), the country exported 164.8 million euros worth of electricity in 2016, which is 13.4 % more than in 2015.
In December 2016 alone, BiH exported electricity worth about 22 million euros, which is 97.6 % more than in the same month in 2015. For comparison, Bosnian electricity exports in 2015 amounted to 145.4 million euros, which was 7.9 % less than in the previous year.
Last week, Bosnian power utility EPBiH, one of three utilities operating in BiH, announced that it has produced 7,245 GWh of electricity in 2016, which is 5.06 % more than in 2015, and 1.24 % more than planned production according to energy balance for 2016.