Hidroelekrana Dabar, part of ERS‘ subsidiary Hi-droelektrane na Trebisnjici (HET), has launched an international tender for financing and construction of hydropower plant Dabar, a project worth some 188 million euros.
The selected partner will be obliged to build a dam with embankments and an accumulation ba-sin, a surge tank, a machine house, two 200 kV transmission lines and a drainage channel. The preferred model of financing is a monetary loan with a 15-year repayment period and a four-year grace period. The project partner is expected to provide 85 % or more of the financing, while HET will provide up to 15 %. HPP Dabar will remain in HET‘s sole possession following the construction which will last four years. The deadline for bids submission is 1 March 2019.
After the launch of a public call for the expression of interest in participation in the project last sum-mer, HET said that it attracted 19 companies from nine countries including China, France, Spain, Tur-key, Italy, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and the United States.
Future HPP Dabar is a part of hydroelectric system Gornji Horizonti, its planned power output would be 166 MW, its annual electricity generation should be about 250 GWh. Chinese companies Dongfang Electric Corporation and China Interna-tional Water and Electric Corporation (CWE) have previously publicly expressed interest in the con-struction of HPP Dabar.