Power utility EPBiH second largest Bosnian utility market the small net profit in 2015.
In 2015, the Electric Power Industry of BiH JSC Sarajevo achieved a net profit of 3.6 million KM ( 1 Eur/2KM), which is a somewhat better result than a year before when the profit had amounted to 3.2 million KM.
Last year, the Electric Power Industry of BiH achieved higher business income than in 2014, whereas the business expenses remained at the approximately same level as in the previous year.
The business income was achieved in the amount of 954.5 million KM, with respect to 952.3 million KM in the previous year.
The business income increase is the result of a higher income from sales on the domestic market, whereas the income from sales on the foreign market is reduced.
Business expenses amounted to 940.77 million KM with respect to 940.67 million KM a year before.
The profit from business activities amounted to 13.77 million KM and it is higher than in 2014 by around 2.1 million KM.
The company achieved profit from financial activities amounting to 75 thousand KM, after having a loss of one million KM in this respect in 2014.
With respect to other income and expenses, the profit of 2.5 million KM was achieved (in 2014, a loss of 2.7 million KM), but the company had a significantly higher loss coming from value reconciliation – 12.6 million KM in comparison to 7.2 million KM a year before.
The Electric Power Industry of BiH has 4,837 employees, which is 120 employees less than in 2014.
The Electric Power Industry of BiH is owned by the Federation in the percentage of 90.3; ZIF BIG owns 2.0 %, ZIF Herbos Fund 0.67 %, ZIF Forward 0.60 %, etc, transmits Serbia-energy.eu