The average baseload price on the day-ahead market of the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX) in April amounted to 98.72 euros/MWh – 9% lower compared to February (108.6 euros/MWh), while the average peak price was 90.3 euros/MWh (16.%).
Trading volume on IBEX DAM in April reached 2,333,094.5 MWh of electricity, which is 6% less compared to the previous month. The average daily traded volume in April amounted to 77,769.8 MWh. Traded volume in April 2023 was 3% lower than in the same month last year.
There were 105 registered participants on the IBEX day-ahead market, three more than in the previous month.
On the intraday market, 194,634.2 MWh was traded in April, with an average weighted price of 98.28 euros/MWh.