In January 2025, a total of 2,777,998.3 MWh of electricity was traded on the day-ahead market of the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX), marking a 3.4% increase compared to the previous month. The average daily traded volume for January was 89,612.8 MWh. This monthly trading volume was roughly the same as in January 2024, setting a new record for the day-ahead market.
The average baseload price on the day-ahead market in January stood at 138.53 euros/MWh, reflecting a 1.5% decrease from December’s price of 140.61 euros/MWh. Meanwhile, the average peak price dropped by 7.2%, settling at 155.51 euros/MWh. The number of registered participants on the IBEX day-ahead market reached 130, an increase of three compared to the previous month.
On the intraday continuous market, a total of 376,916.1 MWh was traded, a 2.5% increase compared to the previous month. The average weighted price on this market was 137.2 euros/MWh, which was 10.9% lower than in December. This also marked the highest monthly traded volume ever recorded on the intraday market.