AES Bulgaria said that its coal-fired thermal power plant AES Galabovo generated 370,725 MWh of electricity this July, which is the highest monthly production so far in 2022.
AES Bulgaria said that in July 2022, TPP Galabovo generated 20 % more electricity compared to the same month last year, which is also among the highest monthly production figures since the plant’s commissioning in 2011. July electricity generation met the demand of some 1.15 million Bulgarian households.
TPP Galabovo produced produced 1,965,171 MWh of electricity in the first half of 2022, which is the highest ever six-month electricity generation since its commissioning in 2011. Electricity generation in the first half of 2022 was about 30 % higher compared to the same period last year. TPP Galabovo produced enough electricity to cover the needs of some 1.1 million Bulgarian households in the first half of the year. Together with St. Nikola wind farm, AES covered about 13 % of Bulgaria’s electricity consumption in the first half of 2022.