Excavation plan of curved layer of coal
In the opinion of two experts of the Mining basin “Kolubara”, the excavation of curved coal requires advance of operation front from north to south, obliquely following the extension of coal series. It is proposed to excavate two or three blocks on each level.
On the fourth Symposium with international participation “Mining 2013″, which was held in may at Silver Lake, was presented the work “Disclosure and excavation of coal blocks in the southern slope of the north wing on the open pit “Field D “of graduated mining engineers Dragan Arsenijević and Ljiljana Ristovski, which analyzes excavation of sloping located coal series on the north wing of ” Field D”.
According to the current additional open pit mining project of open pit “Field D” it is planned excavation of coal and advance of operation front on the north wing from north to south because of the specific pitched located coal series. This work analyzes possible solution of coal mining from the southern side of the northern wing in order to excavate the planned quantity of coal. Excavation must be done with advance of operation front from north to south by dropping layer conveyor downwards connectional that is placed obliquely following the extension of coal series.
The authors suggest that coal exploitation should be done by direct transport of overburden in the excavated area, and transported crowds would serve to create tracks for placement of layer conveyor that will grow later into the connectional. In order to preserve the stability of the operating northern slope, it is planned the excavation of two or three blocks on each level.
By considering of this excavation technology, the authors present data that it is about four million tons of coal. With this move the reserves, which fully complete the annual production and delay access to the north wing of the “Field D”, are accomplished.
Need to introduce a quality control system of coal. In the bunk of “Tamnava West Field” are present small amounts of high-calorific coal in the second layer, as opposed to more low-calorific reserves in the first layer
On the fourth Symposium with international participation “Mining 2013”, which was held in may at Silver Lake, was presented the work “Defining the quality parameters of the Kolubara coal in a certain bunk part” of mr Miodrag Kezović, director of the Department for the operational technology of “Tamnava West Field”, about determining parameters of the coal quality in certain bunk part in the Mining basin “Kolubara”.
The author points out that the coal quality in Kolubara basin has been studied by many investigators and published in many papers. From 1961. numerous studies about lignite quality in bunk “Tamnava West Field” were done.
To determine quality parameters of coal and the possibility of its placement in power plants, sampling from drill holes and by method called furrow were carried out. The critical parameters for the coal combustion in thermal power plants are analyzed by laboratory testing: determination of rough moisture, analytical moisture, ash content, and the upper and lower heating value. The research results show that in the exploration area are present significant reserves of low-calorific coal in the first layer, while the second layer contains coal with more favorable parameters, but in a smaller quantity.
The results indicate a decrease trend in coal quality that complies with the progress of mining activities from north to south. The solution is in volume increase of geological researches to develop a geological model of the coal quality management.