In Thermal Plant Plomin 2, by 2017th, will be built plant to reduce the share of nitrogen oxides in flue gas boiler (DENOX plant), which will allow the operation of TPP Plomin 2 after January 1st, 2018th, when the new emission limit values be applied, released HEP in Plomin at the project presentation of representatives of the Istria County and leaders of municipality Labin and other municipalities in Labinstina.
DENOX plant, of the investment value of 17.3 MEUR, will deliver and install a consortium consisting of Alstom Power Italia and Alstom Croatia, according to the contract signed on November 14th2014th. The value of the domestic component operations is 34 percent, and the remaining 66 percent refers to the latest import technology, which has been applied in Croatia for the first time.
“Croatia must harmonize industrial plants with emission limit values according to EU directive until January 1st2018th, warned Perica Jukic, president of HEP Management. DENOX plant in TPP Plomin 2 is one of such measure, but the installation of new expensive equipment in the majority of thermal power plants is not feasible due to the age of the plant and therefore HEP develops projectsof new, replacementgenerating units at existing sites, including at the location of TPP Plomin. The replacement unit will be in Plomin and also the modern technological solutions will be applied at other locations, with high level of fuel efficiency and efficient systems and measures to limit pollutants emissions, which would allow increased power production and at the same time less impact on the environment”, said Jukic.
Unit TPP Plomin 2 meets the current regulations in the present work, thanks to the use of primary measures to prevent the nitrogen oxides occurrence, which include the appropriate design of the burner and optimization of technological production process. The introduction of additional primary measures that would ensure lower emissions is not technically possible, and thereforewe decided to build a plant for nitrogen oxides reduction in flue gas boiler (DENOX plant), said a member of the Management Board of TPP Plomin Mihailo Markovic. He said that since the building TPP Plomin 2 had a system for flue gas desulphurization and electric filterssystemfor separating particles from the flue gases, which allows him to work and according to the future standards for SO2 and particulates emissions. But environmental investments in TPP Plomin 2 are conducted continuously so that only for 2015thare plannedinvestments in the amount of 2, 3 MEUR in order to improve the turbine efficiency, which will reduce CO2 emissions, then the noise protection project, the installation of LED lighting, reconstruction of desulphurization and electro and changed the measurement of electromagnetic radiation. “Investments in environmental protectionmake even 45 percent of all investments in TPP Plomin 2 in 2015th“, said Mirkovic.
“We are grateful for the opportunity given to us by TPP Plomin to participate in this important initiative for reducing the impacts of production activities of TPP Plomin 2 on the environment”, said Denis Peranic, President of Alstom for the Balkans. “We are proud to provide support to our customers using modern solutions to the field of environmental protection and providing a unique solution for achieving compliance with increasingly stringent regulations on environmental protection while ensuring a reliable electricitysupply and cleaner air for the future”.
“HEP’s investment and environmental costs amount more than 13 MEURon an annual basis, Perica Jukic added and said: “If we keep in mind these data, along with the fact that we spend 468, 85 MEUR worth investment cycle in existing hydropower plants, therefore in renewable energysources, we can conclude that HEP is the largest green investor in Croatia”.
On the basis of the Law on Air Protection and the Regulation on the limitation of air pollutants emissions from stationary sources, the upper value of the emissions of nitrogen oxides for the type of plant which includes TPP Plomin 2 is limited to 200 mg / Nm3, with the obligation to apply it from January 1st. DENOXplant installed in TPP Plomin 2 is based on a selective catalytic reaction, and it will limit nitrogen oxide emissions below 80 mg / Nm3in accordance with the best Europeanpractice and European guidelines for best available techniques.