Traded volume on the Croatian energy exchange CROPEX in May 2023 amounted to 772,213 MWh. That is 36% more than in April. In May, 645,040 MWh were traded on the day-ahead market and 127,170.5 MWh on the intraday market.
Traded volume in May 2023 was 100% higher compared to the same month last year.
The average daily traded volume on the day-ahead market in May amounted to 16,705.5 MWh.
The average daily base price on the day-ahead market in May amounted to 86.87 euros/MWh, which is 18% lower than in April. The average euro-peak price reached 75.5 euros per MWh, 25% lower compared to the previous month.
The average price on the intraday market was 83.95 euros/MWh, 20% lower compared to April.