No Croatian media has not relayed information about participation Alen Leveric on world oil conference NAPE.At one of of the world’s largest oil NAPE Conference, which is held annually in Houston, Croatia presented its plans for the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons.
Deputy Economy Minister Alen Leveric, in front of more than 80 representatives of the world’s largest oil companies, presented the potential and future of the concession tender for exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons.
Leveric announced that data room opens in Zagreb officially with seismic data from the Adriatic Sea in early March. An integral part of the Data Room will be seismic data that Croatia already has, as well as seismic data recorded by Spectrum during the recently completed 2D recording of Croatian undersea.
Interested oil companies will use this information to effectively and efficiently assess the potential of hydrocarbons prior to the upcoming public tenders in Croatia.
Leveric also reported that by the end of February will be a concession blocks known and the financial conditions of the concession will be the subject of public tender.
“Exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons is a very important project through which Croatia will strengthen its position in the energy map of the region and Europe and become an inevitable energy hub in the wider region,” said Leveric in Houston.
Source; Serbia Energy See Desk