The connection costs according to the legislation are borne by wind park investors in so-called “deep” model (they pay for connection and creation of technical conditions in the network), while the cost of remote network reinforcements on the basis of the Law on electricity market is covered by all customers through compensation for the transmission of electricity.
The WPP investor pays the terminal transformer substation (TS) and the power cord to the TS which is HOPS property including expansion of the TS, as well as lines and transformers of the same or the next higher voltage level in case of necessary network reinforcements near the WPP. Given their size the existing WPP are connected to the transmission network with 110 kV voltage level. Several projects under development have been granted access to the 220 kV network, while none of the WPP has so far requested connection to the 400 kV network. Local 110 kV networks generally meet the criteria of safety after the WPP connection, but the problem may occur if more WPP are concentrated in a narrow area and the associated 110 kV network cannot assume all their production. In this case HOPS examines the performance of the zone terminal, when more investors jointly finance TS 400(220)/110 kV which would transfer the production of corresponding WPP through the higher voltage levels in outlying areas. The analyzes show that the formation of zonal connections and any 400 kV network improvements can be expected only for the overall integration of WPP from 800 MW, concentrated in the area of Dalmatia and Lika, additionally accompanied by building one conventional source in Dalmatia (combined gas-steam TPP) . , transmits