Croatian Energy Market Operator (HROTE) has received 2.299 applications for the contracts conclusion for the electricity purchase from 1st January which is related to the total power of 95.105 kilowatts, writes in a HROTE’s statement.
Of these 2.023 are applications for integrated solar power plants with a total power of 48.558 kilowatts, while 27 claims were filed for non-integrated solar power plants with a total power of 39.755 kilowatts. In relation to the integrated solar power plants at the buildings owned by government bodies, local and territorial (regional) self-government, were filed 249 claims totaling 6.793 kilowatts, according to the HROTE.
HROTE concludes contracts on the electricity purchase from solar power group until the total power reaches five megawatts for integrated and non-integrated solar power plants as well as two megawatts for integrated solar power to buildings owned by the state, local and regional governments , and all other requirements declines, writes in a statement.
Also writes that from the projects’ holder was requested the documentation supplement if it had been incomplete or unclear, and that he issued a decision on requests acceptance for contract conclusion for all listed facilities by the end of March.
According to their validity and when concluding contracts for the electricity purchase and reaches set quotas value, HROTE will be able to publish a list of awarded contracts , and all project holders beyond the quota will submit solutions on rejected requests with the right to appeal, said in a statement .
Source; Serbia Energy See Desk