The new law for electricity market (NN 22/2013) should finally introduce Croatian energy sector to European rules.
The legal inheritance of EU is transferring to Croatian energy legislation this way, especially Directive 2009/28/EZ for common rules of internal electricity market, Directive 2005/89/EZ for renewable sources energy consumption and Directive 2005/89/EZ for measures of supply electricity support and investments in infrastructure.
These directives arrange rules and measures for safe and secure production, transmission, distribution and supply and for organization of electricity market like a part of EU electricity market. Rules that refer to protection of ultimate buyer, organization and functioning of electricity sector, open access to the market, determination of general services obligations and rights of electricity buyers that includes rights of ultimate buyers, separate book arranging, financial reports, rules of network access, reciprocity principles and cross border electricity transmission are being determined with these directives.
The law will be enforced the eighth day after an announcement in “Narodne Novine” i.e. 2.3.2012, except some orders that will be enforced on the day of EU accession. The former law for electricity market will stop to be valid at the same time (NN 177/2004, 76/2007, 152/2008, 14/2011 and 59/2012).
Source Serbia Energy SEE Desk/Croatian gov