Croatian electricity transmission system operator HROTE and energy exchange CROPEX announced guarantees of origin auction for 18t October 2019, that will be organized for the production period Q3 2019.
Guarantees of origin for the electricity produced by the incentivized producers in the third quarter of 2019 will be sold on CROPEX’s IT trading platform on 18 October 2019. Total of 166,779 guarantees of origin from wind production will be available for allocation.
CROPEX successfully organized its first auction of guarantees of origin on 29 August, selling 263,889 guarantees of origin in the process.
At the first guarantees of origin auction for electricity from incentivized producers for the first quarter of 2019, selling price reached 0.31 euros per guarantee of origin. A total of 11 participants had registered for the first guarantees of origin auction, nine of which actively participated in the auction and submitted bids for the purchase of guarantees of origin in the auction system. The proceeds from the sale will be transferred to the incentivized system fund managed by electricity market regulator HROTE. At the second guarantees of origin auction for electricity from incentivized producers for the second quarter of 2019 was held on 30 August. A total of 194,049 guarantees of origin were sold, at the price of 0.91 euros per guarantee. The second auction had seven active participants.