On 14 June, Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency (HERA) began a public hearing regarding the proposed methodology of determining the amount of tariff items for handling liquefied natural gas (LNG).
This public hearing will last until 5 July and the document will be crucial for potential operator of future LNG terminal, buyers and the profitability of investment in floating LNG terminal on Krk island. The proposal is based on a method of incentive regulation and a method of maximum allowed revenue. It determines the model of regulation of energy activities in LNG terminal operation, formula and elements for the calculation of allowed revenues of operator, the auditing procedure for allowed revenue, tariff items and the way and criteria for the their calculation.
The methodology also includes the application process for the change of tariff items, as well as data, documents and other materials required for calculation and auditing of allowed revenues and the amount of tariff items. The first regulatory period covered by the methodology will begin on the day of its adoption and ends at the end od 2021. Every subsequent regulatory period will last for five years, transmits Serbia-energy.eu