Revitalization, modernization and capacity increase of HPP “Zakucac” began in 2012th, replacing the first of a total of four production units, and completion of planned projects are expected in late 2016th , so that with increased power plants of 52 MW the electricity production will be increased by 58 GWh per year.
The aggregate B begins the test operation for a period of 60 days, after April 8th has successfully completed the first mechanical rotation, and the first synchronization with the network on April 29th.
Revitalization, modernization and capacity increase of HPP “Zakucac” started in 2012th, replacing the first of a total of four production units, and completion of the modernization of the entire power plant is expected in late 2016th.. Estimated value of investment in the largest hydropower plant in our electric power system is approximately131 MEUR, about twenty companies work on the modernization, and the main contractor is “Koncar-Elektroindustrija”.
The total installed capacity of HPP “Zakucac” before reconstruction, was 486 MW (2×108 MW + 2×135 MW), and after the reconstruction of primary and secondary equipment, which is currently underway, new installed capacity will amount to 576 MW (4×144 MW). With the planned increase in capacity of 52 MW, the electricity production will increase by 58 GWh per year.
Since the electricity production in HPP “Zakucac” is extremely important for the stability of the Croatian electric power system (last year produced 2,134 GWh), during an aggregate rebuilding, for purposes of permanent availability of its plant, other facility units are available, which is the biggest technical challenge of modernization procedure.