In January 2025, a total of 1,157,079.4 MWh of electricity was traded on the Croatian Energy Exchange (CROPEX), marking a 9.9% increase compared to December. Of this, 936,233.1 MWh was traded on the day-ahead market, and 220,846.3 MWh on the intraday market. The traded volume in January was 27.4% higher than the same month in 2024.
The average daily base price on the day-ahead market in January was 135.98 euros/MWh, which is a slight 0.2% decrease from December. The average euro-peak price fell by 5.9% to 152.4 euros/MWh. Meanwhile, the average price on the intraday market stood at 133 euros/MWh, a 5% drop compared to the previous month.
A new record was set on the CROPEX intraday continuous market for January 2025, with the trading of 60-minute products reaching 195,717.5 MWh. The total volume on the intraday continuous market amounted to 220,846.3 MWh, setting a new high for the entire market.
CROPEX’s day-ahead market maintained 32 participants (unchanged from the previous month), 30 of which were also active on the intraday market. The average daily traded volume on the day-ahead market in January was 30,201.1 MWh.
Launched on 11 March 2016 in cooperation with Nord Pool, CROPEX is co-owned by the Croatian electricity transmission system operator (HOPS) and the Croatian electricity market operator (HROTE). The intraday market was introduced in April 2017, and in June 2018, the day-ahead market was successfully coupled with MRC markets through the Croatian-Slovenian border.