HPP Zakucac was built in the lower course of the river Cetina and it is the largest power plant in Croatia. Upon starting operation, the total installed capacity before reconstruction was 486 MW (2×108 MW + 2×135 MW) with an average annual production of 1458 GWh. After the reconstruction of the plant which is in progress, a new installed capacity will amount to 4×144 MW.
In 2012, works on revitalization, modernization and capacity increase of HPP Zakucac started by replacing of the first of four production units. The completion of the modernization of the whole plant is expected in late 2016.
Estimated value of the investment in the largest manufacturing facility in the electrical power system is approximately 131,7 million euros.
On the modernization works twenty companies, and the main contractor is a domestic manufacturer KonĨar-Elektroindustrija.
The planned power increase in power plant after the revitalization is 52 MW which will lead to increased electricity production by 58 GWh per year. By comparison, only newly built hydropower plant in Croatia Lesce has 42 MW of installed capacity. Last year Zakucac produced 2,134 GWh, which was another record production in the history of the plant.
With average weather conditions, production of HPP Zakucac in the total production of RH is around 12 percent, and in overall needs covers about 9 percent of electricity needs in the Republic of Croatia.
The first two aggregates of HPP Zakucac have been in operation over 50 years and at the end of the life cycle. The main goal of the reconstruction is the replacement of old equipment with new which is at the level of the latest technological solutions, with amortization period from 40 to 50 years. Through the replacement of equipment the greater efficiency and increased labor force have been achieved.
Also, the reconstruction will reduce the cost of maintenance and operation management and will be automated plant with the introduction of process automation and remote controlling.
Since the production of electricity in Zakucac is of vital importance for the stability of the power system in Croatia in which is important permanent availability of hydroelectric power plant, during the reconstruction of any unit other available units are in operation, generating electricity, which is the biggest technical challenge of modernization.
Within four years it is planned in four phases to replace one production unit together with additional facilities and installations.
In April 2012, the first stage began and it was completed in March 2013, which included the replacement of unit A, that instead of a 108 MW has power of 144 MW.
The second phase began in mid-May 2013, in accordance with the planned schedule, the works have been completed and follows putting in operation of the new unit B, whose power is also 144 MW (108 MW before).
The beginning and the realization of the third stage of reconstruction or replacement of a third production unit with its additional facilities is in preparation. As with the first two units timeline for replacing is one year for each stage.