Electric power of Serbia and Hitachi Power Europe signed today cooperation protocol which includes joint activities in current and future projects in Serbian power generation facilities.
EPS stated that HPE has significant experience in lignite power generation facilities which makes the cooperation important for EPS power plants, two companies will work on boilers efficiency improvement as well as on projects for decreasing the emission of sulfur and nitrogren. EPS and HPE will also cooperate on new capacities projects which are within the scope of interest of Japanese company.
Cooperation includes potential bigger involvement and participation of HPE in Serbia, thru investments into industry, engagement of local companies in future projects and exchange of experiences and best practice, new technologies in power gen sector and related equipment boilers and mills.
Cooperation protocol assumes that EPS and HPE will create joint working teams, organize study tours in order to assess all potentials of the cooperation. HPE started working with EPS back in 2006, o the A3 unit TPP Nikola Tesla project by delivering two prototype mills. The reconstruction of the mills on units A3 and A4 is completed successfully and for 2012 all six mills on unit A5 TENT will be reconstructed.
On DGS mills improvement project HPE works with regional and local companies Activ, Rudnap Group and Minel Kotlogradnja.