Energy policy is a member state competence. However, Hungary has always been an advocate for a joint EU external energy policy. Energy security came to the forefront of the foreign policy thinking of the last three Hungarian governments. The energy strategy of every country in the region affects directly its neighbors: the supply sources it chooses, the way electricity is produced in the particular countries and the level of interconnectivity a country aspires for. The Energy Community is an essential platform for the extension of the EU energy market and for assisting non-EU member states in the implementation of the EU acquis.
Serbia Energy Magazine had a pleasure in speaking with His Excellency Mrs.Anita Orban, Ambassador for Energy Security in Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Energy Community for South East Europe, as EU energy sector initiative for regional integration and preparation for accession to EU market, is managing regional energy markets reform. Is Hungary interested in the process and how do you evaluate current results?
The Energy Community is an essential platform for the extension of the EU energy market and for assisting non-EU member states in the implementation of the EU acquis. Hungary is very much involved in the work of the Energy Community Secretariat and we also developed a close relationship with the Secretariat within the framework of the Danube Strategy.
Complete interview you can read here LINK