In the first half of 2014, a total volume of 248.4 TWh was traded on PEGAS, the natural gas platform commonly established by the European Energy Exchange (EEX) and Powernext. This represents more than double the volume traded in the same period last year (2013: 102.1 TWh). Furthermore, this volume is higher than the total volume reached in 2013 (222.6 TWh).
“The results from the first half of 2014 show that PEGAS is already well established in the market”, says Peter Reitz, Chief Executive Officer of EEX. “Nevertheless, there is still huge potential on the European natural gas markets for PEGAS to grow in the future.”
The total volume included 125.6 TWh from trading on the PEGAS Spot Markets and 123.8 TWh from the Derivatives Markets. Focussing on the Dutch TTF market area, volumes are rising continuously with new monthly records on both the Spot (7.0 TWh) and Derivatives Market (18.4 TWh) in June 2014.
On 9 July, Spot and Futures products for the Belgian hubs ZTP and ZTPL were launched successfully on PEGAS. On the same date, 24/7 trading for the French gas spot markets was also introduced on PEGAS. “The new products further expand the geographical reach of PEGAS”, says Jean- François Conil-Lacoste, Chief Executive Officer of Powernext. “Our offering for the Belgian hub is an important step in order to create a Pan-European gas trading platform.”
Source; EEX