Despite the coronavirus pandemic which brought the country in lockdown during March and April, in the first four months of 2020, gas imports rose by 17 %.
Gas imports totaled 21,393 GWh in the January-April 2020 period, compared to 18,211 GWh last year, According to natural gas transmission system operator DESFA.
In the aforementioned period, gas imports at DESFA’s Revythoussa LNG terminal increased to 11,679 GWh, which is 45 % more than last year. This terminal was the Greek biggest gas entry point in 2020 so far.
Sidirokastro, at the Greek-Bulgarian border, followed with 7,952 GWh of imported gas, which is an 8 % drop compared to January-April 2019. Kipoi entry point, in northeastern Greece, registered a 13 % year-on-year increase of natural gas imports, totaling 1,762 GWh.
This data confirms a market trend that emerged last year, which is that LNG imports exceed gas volumes imported via pipelines at Sidirokastro and Kipoi entry points.