Greek Ministry of Energy is planning to significantly increase capacities offered at auctions for RES projects with energy storage systems from 200 MW to up to 1 GW as part of its effort to strengthen the role played by RES units with behind-the-meter storage in mitigating local grid- congestion problems. The first such auction should be staged in the first quarter of 2023
The auction will offer energy storage tariffs of a total of 200 million euros, to be made available through the Recovery and Resilience Facility over the fist ten-year period of investments. So far, the investors are expressing huge interest in these projects.
However, the Government still needs to complete work on a regulatory framework regarding energy storage, while investors must speed up their projects’ licensing procedures in order to become eligible for the upcoming first auction.
Tariffs for an overall capacity of approximately 450 MW are expected to be offered at the first energy storage auction, while an extra 450 MW capacity planned to be made available to investors at the next auction planned for the second quarter of 2023.
The projects of auction participants are expected to exceed the total capacity of 900 MW to be offered in 2023.