The price on the day-ahead market of the Hungarian gas exchange CEEGEX continued to fall in May, so the average daily price for the weekend of May 13 and 14 was around 36.5 euros per MWh, compared to 37.94 euros per MWh. on Friday. In the current week, the highest spot price was recorded on Friday, May 9 – 39.9 euros per MWh.
On the within-day market, the last transactions were registered on Friday, at around 37.5 euros per MWh, for modest quantities of 200 to 250 MWh/h.
Regarding the futures price on the reference European stock exchange TTF, the contract price for June was 32.97 euros per MWh on Friday and 34.875 for the third quarter. CAL24 reached 53,705 euros per MWh.