Italian construction company Condotte announced that they will be building four mini hydro power plants in Macedonia. It is an investment worth 19 million euro.
At the press conference together with the president of the Italian company Ducco Astaldi, Macedonian minister of economy Bekir Neziri said that the power plant on Ešterička river near Probištip is already finished and it will start working during winter, while the other three are in different stages of construction.
We are talking about two mini power plants on river Zrnovska near Kočane and one on river Kadina near Skoplje.
The president and owner of the company Condotte, Ducco Astaldi said he was pleased with the business framework provided by the Macedonian Government to foreign investors and he stressed that the company is interested to invest further in Macedonia.
Condotte will get the so called feed in tariffs from the state, like the other 64 concession companies in Macedonia.
According to minister of economy Bekir Neziri, the goal is for Macedonia to get electricity cheaper than it is now.
Italian construction company Condotte is one of the leading companies in the world. It entered the Macedonian market in 2013 and it operates through the company IMPG doo Skoplje. The company exists for more than 130 years and it has been building infrastructure projects in all continents, with a yearly revenue of 1.2 billion USD, transmits