Around 50 companies of 222 by the end of last month, have been obliged to sign contracts to purchase electricity on the free market from some of the suppliers or sellers of electricit, but failed to meet this obligation. Newly qualified consumers can buy from six electricity providers or from over 70 representatives . Licence to supply have the following companies: ” EVN – supply ” , ” GEN -I ,” ” Energy delivery solutions ” (EDS ) , ” Mist Energie “, ” Future energy ” and ” Energy services “. Regarding the representatives, many of them do not own an active licence, as they still are in the process of establishing themselves in the electricity business.
Although last week, the Energy Regulatory Commission announced that all who will not sign the contracts, energy companies EVN and ELEM MEPSO will stop supplying them with electricity. However, some of them did not signed contracts even though from the first of April, when the second phase of liberalization of the electricity market starts, they become eligible consumers or they should buy power independently.
The energy regulator has given some incentive by enabling them to sign the contract by 3rd March. If they do not sign from the beginning of the following month electricity supply will be cut for them. In case, this deadline is not met, the energy regulator will subsequently propose additional measures to these consumers .In case than the deadline to enter into contracts comes later, the energy regulator will determine what additional measures can be taken against them. This will not apply to public companies at the state and local levels, because they still are undergoing procedures which cover public procurement.
Anyway, Newly qualified consumers can buy from six electricity providers or from over 70 representatives . Licence to supply have the following companies: ” EVN – supply ” , ” GEN -I ,” ” Energie deliveri solušns ” (EDS ) , ” Mist Energie “, ” Fjučr energdži ” and ” Energie servisis “. Regarding the representatives, many of them do not own an active licence, as they still are in the process of establishing themselves in the electricity business.
According to the data held by the Central Registry, all companies with more than 50 employees and an annual turnover of more than 10 million euros with more than twenty public companies enter the deregulated market. In June, the Central Registry will issue a new, revised list of companies which will qualify as the buyers from the next year.
Source; Serbia Energy See Desk