Macedonian Energy Association MEA presented a detailed energy strategy for Macedonia, drafted by the Academy of Science and Arts, which is based on greater energy efficiency and greater use of renewable sources in energy production.
The strategy covers the period up to 2035th and provides an increase in the average energy consumption of 2.3 percent per year.
“Our basic scenario assumes that the main growth will be in the natural gas and RES use, such as solar and geothermal energy. We predict that electricity will amount to 24 percent of total electricity consumption by 2035th , the use of natural gas will be up to 16 percent, and the use of petroleum and petroleum products will remain at the current level”, said academician Gligor Kanevce, presenting a strategy.
In connection with capital investment for production facilities, the strategy predicts that the largest coal-fired power plant Bitola will be revitalized and modernized by 2020th , and between 2021st and 2022nd , a small power plant Oslomej will also be modernized. Production from new coal-fired plant could begin only after 2032nd, from the new plant of 300 MW, which will be supplied with coal near Mariovo.
When it comes to the production from hydropower plants, the strategy envisages the construction of two new power plants, HPP Boshkov Most and HPP Crn Kamen, near the dam Lukovo Pole, as additional capacity to the power plants Shipilje and Globochica.
“We also plan the construction of motorway channel that will connect the Vardar River and lake Kozak, who will raise production from the river Treska for 110 gigawatt hours. According to the strategy, the construction of a hydropower plant Veles is planned after 2026th, and HPP Chebren and HPP Gradec after 2030th “, said Kanevce to the journalists present at the conference.
As far as the gas production, existing power plants TETO and KOGEL in Skopje will be used until 2030th and the Strategy envisages construction of new power plants with a total capacity of 300 MW. Thanks to government subsidies, wind turbines wind total power of 63 MW should be installed by 2020th, which will ensure the production from wind up to 100 MW, with an additional 50 MW by 2026th.
Of the existing 18 photovoltaic power plants, the strategy envisages nine more by 2025th, which will be built with the help of government subsidies; production should reach an output of 200 MW.
Also have been planned several geothermal power plant of between 3 and 7 MW, and biogas power plants of 7 MW and facilities on biomass wastes with a total capacity of 12.5 MW. The Strategy envisages to raise the level of production from hydro power plants by 53 percent, from the current 33, and not to reduce production from coal power plants at only 16 percent.
“Some 30 percent of the electricity will come from gas power plants and heating plants. Coal consumption will be at a level that meets the needs of TPP Bitola and TPP Oslomej, while gas consumption will significantly increase and reach 1.2 billion cubic meters. Electricity import will be reduced to 170 gigawatt hours per year, with 4,000 gigawatt hours of domestic consumption from RES”, concluded Kanevce.