EPCG Electric Power Industry of Montenegro imported about 886,000 megawatt hours MWh of electricity last year worth nearly 34MEUR, while at the same time earned 35 MEUR from the sale of electricity produced in the Montenegrin power plants.
Montenegrin power company exported 634,000 MWh of electricity last year.
Energy was bought at an average price of around 38 EUR per MWh, and sold an average of over 55 EUR per MWh.
“Energy price on the stock exchange, as seen from the highest to the lowest, usually ranges from 160 EUR to minus. Around Christmas and New Year energy is offered ‘for nothing’, and often bidder pays the buyer to take it over”, said in EPCG.
It, as they explained, usually happens during the holidays when the economy works at lower capacity, so some systems cannot sell excess energy due to reduced consummation.
It also happened to be paid to EPCG because it assumed power.
“However, it is difficult for us to justify it at customs. We export the goods and get the money for it. Our regulations do not recognize this situation”, said in EPCG.
The problem was solved such a way that EPCG took power for one EUR, and later, the next purchase was decreased for dermined amount.