In order to start the exploitation in new open pit mines, Fields G and E, the Kolubara River and Pestan, the part of Ibarska mainroad and the most important plants of Auxiliary Machinery have to be relocated.
By recent adoption of the Conceptual Design of relocation of the part of the Peštan river and the completion of allotment projects with projects of geodetic marking for relocation of Ibarska mainroad, the Kolubara river regulation in the second phase and the Peštan river regulation, the documentation is slowly being completed which is necessary for one of the largest infrastructure migrations in the history of lignite mining in this region.
In the Development Strategy of Mining Basin “Kolubara” by 2017, it is envisaged that in the following years this basin will experience the most intensive development since the very beginning. Increased demand for coal from the thermal power plants requires the opening of new open pit mines, which results in the relocation of the facilities of great importance not only for municipal infrastructure of the town of Lazarevac, but also for the entire country.
On what has been done so far in terms of project documents and the preparation rate of infrastructure relocation in order to open two open pit mines, Field G and Field E, Mr. Milorad Babić, Chief civil engineer of the Investments Dept, thoroughly explains that the recent Technical Council of EPS – approved the Conceptual Design of relocation of 1,8 kilometers of riverbed of the Peštan river, developed by the Institute “Jaroslav Černi”. The support is also consisted of the allotment projects and projects of geodetic marking for relocation of Ibarska mainroad and part of the Kolubara River, made by the experts of “Arhiplan” and “Premea”, upon obtaining the Confirmation from the Service for town planning of Belgrade. A general design of large infrastructure relocation was completed the last year.
As explained by Mr. Babić, the selection of the best contractor for relocation of structures is in progress, adding that in such a way, the conditions are created for the main project development, and after it has been audited, the obtaining of building permit is initiated. If property – legal relations are quickly resolved, the next construction season will be used to start work on all structures: the Kolubara river and Peštan and Ibarska mainroad.
– In order to start opening of Field G, in the central part of Kolubara coal basin it is required to relocate 2,6 kilometers of the Kolubara river, towards the original riverbed and the Peštan river , 6.9 kilometers of Ibarska mainroad and five long distance transmission lines of different power- specified Mrs. Gordana Lojović, chief mining engineer of Investment Dept.
She points out that it is also necessary to relocate the system for sanitary water supply of the Branch ‘’Prerada’’ (Processing plant). Having in mind that the new riverbed of the Kolubara river will spread on 2,1 km over the dump site of the former open pit mine Tamnava East field, earthworks on a new test section of the riverbed of the KOlubara river started, says our interviewee, noting also that the exploration works will be performed there, which will secure conditions for uninterruptible river flow.
According to Mr. Babić, the value of this investment is estimated at around 23 million euros. This year, in the first phase it is planned for “Kolubara” to contract works worth about ten million euros. It involves the construction of the administrative building of Auxiliary machinery, bulldozer workshop, warehouses, gas stations, boiler rooms, washing plants for bulldozers and an infrastructural part with the bus station. The construction of bulldozer workshop will last for 15 months, while other structures are to be completed in 11 months. By the end of next year, all structures should be built, unless there appear unforeseen problems.
Our interviewees remind us that for the Field E, occupying the area of Baroševac, Zeoke, Medoševac, the General regulation Plan is made, the excavation area is defined, and the Conceptual design with feasibility study is made by the experts from ‘’Kolubara Projekt’’.The new location, so–called infrastructural zone in Baroševac will receive relocated structures of Auxiliary machinery, erection yard in Zeoke, Administration building of Auxiliary machinery and part of the road from Zeoke towards Burovo.It is scheduled that the relocation starts in August this year, since ‘’Kolubara Projekt’’ and ‘’ Delta inženjering“ of Belgrade have completed the projects that are audited as well. Seven commissions conduct the procedure of selection of the best contractors and public procurements. And firstly, two structures will be relocated, those that are on 150 meters from the excavator.
Source Kwh Magazin