Regional Energy Market
Regional Energy Market, area of South East Europe (SEE) includes 10 countries and their national energy systems
Interdependency, technical and logistical connections are a natural argument to consider the region of Balkans/SEE as one energy area. Connected with European energy market, the SEE regional energy market makes a significant route and hub for EU markets.
Serbia, being in the middle of wide energy area, connecting south and north – east and west, has a unique transfer capacity role for electricity trading. Power generation systems, TSO and DSO levels have some specific but mutual characteristics. European energy experts are often claiming that Balkan energy market coupling which is expected in coming years will bring EU energy security increase – electricity and gas supply.
Due to changing demand-supply ratio, existing power gen facilities are being unable to fulfill the needs in some periods, the region also have an important export-import electricity trade role. Neighboring EU energy stock exchange markets (Hu,Ro,At,It) are in some months influenced by Balkan balances-imbalances of electricity.
New power generation units will surely bring stability and increased supply efficiency for regional domestic markets, but in the same time, RES projects will generate additional Kwh which will be exported to EU markets.
Serbia Energy Magazine, due to undoubted interdependency of the energy region market, covers and brings some findings covering regional Balkans/SEE/CEE markets.
Selection of articles/reports bringing understanding of regional coupling importance and interdependency:
- SEE Energy market reform & coupling, progress achieved and expected milestones
- SEE region power systems characteristics, transmission and installed capacities
- South East Europe, electricity markets and energy balance
- Regional power market development, expectations from Gazprom Energy
- Major international players in SEE region energy market
- West Balkans market influence to CE Power Exchange electricity prices, spillover effect due to the regional transit route positioning, the role of electricity traders and power generators
- The problems of power systems in the Balkans, lack of electricity and investments expected to be covered from price increase
- Electricity balancing models in Balkans market, additional effort to regional market coupling and regional energy integration with EU
- Balkan markets, coal dependency and coal leaded electricity
- Macedonian energy sector investment cycle, modernization and new capacities
- Energy market liberalization process in Macedonia, unbundling and market price reform
- Electricity market structure in Macedonia
- Electricity production in Macedonia
- Macedonian energy market liberalization and reform process, status update 2012
- Macedonian electricity market, traders and large industrial consumers
- Eligible producer status, Renewable energy market model Croatia
- Croatian electricity market model and participants
- Gas market in Croatia, legislation framework
- Croatia energy security analysis: power generation, supply and distribution of electricity, gas and oil
- Private investors in Croatian Renewable energy market
- Montenegro: market model, actors and interconnection capacity, balancing model
- Electricity market in Montenegro, market structure and market actors
- Montenegro energy market opening, adjustments with EU framework, status update
- Czech energy market, restructuring and liberalization, CEZ as dominant CEE power company
- Electricity and gas market in Czech Republic, good experience which can be implemented in Balkans market
- Romanian energy market restructuring and development, from unbundling to liberalization and privatization of power gen resources
- Electricity Generation facilities in Romanian energy market
- Transmission and Distribution, market development, Romania