Legal experts from RS claim this procurement has strange deadlines and clarifications on Deloitte selection. Deloitte consortium selected for legal consultant in the process of ERS power utility restructuring process.
Delloite auditing and consulting company Banja Luka and attorney Jugoslav Milanovic from Trebinje are officially selected for legal advisor for the complete restructuring of power utility holding Elektroprivreda Republike Srpske ERS.
The value of the contract is 100.000EUR, according to local media Capital.
According to the official notice published on ERS website, the bidders consortium lead by Deloitte Belgrade and Deloitte Banja Luka is selected as most favorable bidder on the tender which was open only for 8 days. This strange time frame for submission of bids for a such an important project of power utility restructuring was the key topic of harsh critics coming from legal experts of Republika Srpska.
Legal experts and local medias reported that the selection of Deloitte within just 8 days of the tender is quite unusual and extraordinary. Seems strange that only Deloitte submitted the proper bid says from local legal chamber.
According to the CEO of ERS power utility this contract does not fall under the national procurement law but it is the extraordinary urgent service which was prescribed as such and therefore this time frame was in order claim from ERS, transmits