Design of plant preceded by a series of preparatory activities, on which base they can bring the optimal decision. Serbia Energy analyzed the location and integration of the Thermal power plant “Ugljevik III” 2x300MW in power system of Republika Srpska.
After the introductory part on the design and thermal plant construction and display of the criteria for site selection, the authors analyze the space provided for the construction of “Ugljevik III”, the continuation of the energy complex “Ugljevik I” and “Ugljevik II “. It was planned construction of the main plant, thermal power plant, coal depot, fuel and gas storage and administration building. “Ugljevik III” uses fossil fuel for its operation (Ugljevik brown coal). The resulting internal energy fuel in the production process of combustion is converted mainly into electricity, and less energy to heat.
Space planned for building a new thermal power plant in the municipality of Ugljevik (northeast of Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina). It covers an area of about 30 acres, without larger households that should be relocated. The area connectivity is not affected, while the surrounding area remains unchanged. Analyzing macro location, the authors also gave an overview of the basic features of terrain, climate, waterways, flora and fauna, as well as demographic characteristics.
The negative effects and larger unit separation should not occur with the implementation of planned activities. “Ugljevik III” will have a positive impact on the spatial and urban areas development, with enabling significant infrastructure development of the wider area of Ugljevik and Bijeljina. The project will result in the stabilization of the labor market and the construction sector, which will create conditions for higher rates of economic growth.
In a preliminary assessment of the location suitability, based on the current state, the authors note that Republika Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina have excess of built capacities, which can provide higher production than the required energy consumption. The possibility of surplus energy export opens up by establishing common electricity market in South East Europe, provided those sustain the technical-economic and ecological competition. Since only Bulgaria and Romania have electricity surpluses, the energy placement from Ugljevik can be found within the countries of South Eastern Europe.
Fitting TPP “Ugljevik III” with 2x300MW of installed capacity in the power system of Bosnia and Herzegovina, depending on the location and strength of the power plant, is possible only in the current TS400/110kV Ugljevik at 400kV voltage, namely plant of 400kV.
Source; Serbia Energy See Desk