Republika Srpska energy company ERS sold 711.309 MWH to commercial customers last year and earned 32MEUR income- it was emphasized in the RS Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining.
Less electricity was sold than planned amount of balanced overages predicted with Electricity Rebalance for 2012.
-Main reasons for miscarriage of full plan of balanced overages’ sale in 2012 are decreases of the HPP production scope because of bad hydrological conditions in the first half of the year, low accumulation elevation, miscarriage of satisfying prices for electricity on market and delivery stoppages because of unavailability of one or more production facilities with 200 MW cumulatively bigger strength- it was stressed in the Ministry.
They pointed that sale of balanced electricity overages was done in accordance with RS Government decisions i.e. in accordance with rule book of MH ERS for sale and purchase of electricity and especially three sale procedures within international publicity i.e. tender, 14 procedures within negotiation method without publishing the public call and one procedure within answering the requests from traders or qualified buyers- it was said in the Industry Ministry. RS Government accepted a report from ERS about sale of electricity overages in the last year, on the session on Thursday.
The beginning of this year is optimistic and it indicates that the production plan of 5.442 GWH, which is 5,5% higher than planned rebalance for 2012, will be accomplished.
-1.357 GWH of complete plan is planned for export i.e. it is a balance overage- it was said in Elektroprivreda.
Source;Serbia Energy SEE desk/ERS