Project of”ComsarEnergy”in the Republic ofSrpskais the largestgreenfieldinvestmentin the energysectorin SoutheastEurope. The total investmentfor theplant “Ugljevik3″ and HPP”Mrsovo” ismorethan a billioneuros. “ComsarEnergy”willinvestin the Republic ofSrpskaaround180MEUR this yearintwo major projectsthat are being realized: buildingof plant “Ugljevik3″HPP”Mrsovo” in the municipality ofRudo, atotal investmentof both plantsis greater thanone billionEUR. Comsar Energy, swiss based company with Russian investor on board will change the energy balance of RS and SEE region.
The projectof construction of”Ugljevik3″, 2X300MWof installed capacityin 2014, with the exception of the first phaseof constructionof thepower plant, includes theinitiationof surfacecoalmines”UgljevikEast2″ and”Delici andPeljave-Tobut”.
There is surface mineof limestone”Baljak”, completionof the preparatoryworks on thelandfillof coalwithinthermal power plantvalidation ofdesign documentationfor TPP ‘Ugljevik 3 “, study fire protection…
Studywillbemadefor connection to thetransmission networkBiH, obtaining necessary approvals, permits and licensesfor theconstruction of TPP”Ugljevik 3″, forthe construction of theregional road- deputytransportlinkstothe villageUgljevik -Mezgraja.
It is necessary topreparealsoproject-technicaldocumentationandthe expropriation ofland for thecoalmine”Ugljevik East2″, purchase of land neededfor the construction ofthe mine and TPP, building acircleof mining, utilities and accessroadsfor the coal mine”Ugljevik East2″.
Preparing the groundfor the regulation ofoverburden landfillswill be doneandforthe purchase of machineryrequiredto openminepits.
Projectof building HPP”Mrsovo” anticipates completion of theprocedures required toobtainenvironmental permitsinthe first half of2014, according tothe company.
The finalversion of Environmental Impact Studywas made,expert reviewstudywas conductedandpublic reviewof the study.Preparation of theevidence with theEnvironmental Impacton the environmentafter thepublicpresent evidenceis expected toobtainan environmental permit.
In Januarythis yearrevisionof preliminary designhas been completed andhydroelectricdevelopment of the mainprojectisin progress.
After theChinese partnerscompletedetailed design,foreigncompanies will beauthorizedto performthe validation. Alsopreparation ofhydroelectric powerconnectorStudyontransmission networksBIHis agreed. In parallel with thedevelopment of technical documentationflowsandprocessof Expropriationof landthat will be inundatedafter the formation ofthe reservoir.
Studyof Expropriationis madeandrevised, and preparingthe requestfor a declaration ofgeneral interestis in progress, after whichgoespurchase ofthe land.
The aim of allactivitiesis tocollect all thedocumentsandresolveproperty relationsby mid-year, in order to provideapprovalfor the construction ofhydroelectric power plantsandstartthe constructionworks.
Construction of the campus to accommodate workers is planned in the second half of the year, building site workshops, water supply and electricity supply, the opening of the quarry. This is followed by the formation of crushing plants and concrete plants and construction of access roads and bridges downstream from the dam.
The first works on the diversion of the river and digging foundation pits of concrete gravity dams are planned for the beginning of 2015.
Works, when it comes to thermal power plant 3 in Ugljevik,are scheduled to start by the second half 2014, and timeline for the construction of thermal power plant is 36 to 40 months from the commencement of works.
This project of “Comsar Energy” in the Republic of Srpska is the largest greenfield investment in the energy sector in Southeast Europe.
The total investment for both plants – TE “Ugljevik 3” and HPP “Mrsovo”, is more than a billion EUR.
During construction of the plant “Ugljevik 3” HPP “Mrsovo” will be hired thousands of workers with the aspiration to be the domestic labor force, while in the course of regular operation of facility total number of employees – for mine and power plant “Ugljevik 3” – 1,000 workers and HPP “Mrsovo” approximately 30 employees.
The importance of building a “Ugljevik 3” is great with regard to capacity of TPP, given the fact that the average annual energy production in BiH is 14 700 GWh /DERC report of 2012/. The planned production of 4,380 GWh per year will bring an increase of about 30 percent compared to current production.
The company is committed to applying the latest technology to meet the highest international standards of environmental protection and efficiency. “Comsar Energy” will also introduce cutting-edge technologies that meet the highest international environmental standards and conventional electricity generation.
Projects of “Comsar Energy” are consistent with the National Action Plan for Environmental Protection and the applicable legislation in force in the Republic of Srpska and BiH.
The commitment of the investor is that plant “Ugljevik 3” should have minimal impact on the environment, both during construction and during operation and as a programming task is adopted that the power plant meets the most stringent current EU regulations on emissions of pollutants.
The selected technology and equipment for TPP ‘Ugljevik 3″should ensure that the values of all the emissions from the TPP fit European standards and local regulations. Environmental study was made in accordance with this, based on which an environmental permit is obtained.
The company “Comsar Energy” point out that the Republic of Srpska is very pleased with the scope of activities realized in the previous year 2013.
Source; Serbia Energy See Desk