Installation of the turbine equipment is continued in two shifts, both on Saturdays, holidays and even on Sundays if appropriate. Work is performed at the same time, at three locatins in the power unit turbine area, in the mechanical room – on two mounting plateaux and in the overhauling workshop. There are good chances for the power unit 4 to be put in operation as planned on May 16th, on the Day of the first Danube HPP.
In HPP “Djerdap 1”, mounting of the turbine equipment A-4 proceeds with success, which is extremely complex task within the revitalization of our largest HPP, and the completion of the erection and installation of turbine runner during the first half of February, are the result of hard work.
This vital and by dimension, one of the most powerful parts of the machine weighs more than 350 tons, was installed and tested on a mounting block in the very mechanical room. After due verifications and corrections, it has been put down into its own bed, into the power unit turbine pit, with the help of two cranes of 400 tons carrying capacity.
Thus, only a part of the extremely demanding revitalization project for the power unit 4 has been completed. Further continuation of the mounting activities that started at the beginning of the new year, took place simultaneously on three locations: inside the turbine area of the very power unit, at the outside and inside mounting plateau, both in the mechanical room and overhauling workshop- said Ljubiša Jokić, the Director of the HPP “Djerdap 1”- work is performed in three shifts both on workdays ,Saturdays and Holidays, and if necessary on Sundays, all with the aim to meet the planned deadline for starting the operation of the power unit A-4, May 16th , on the Day of the First Danube HPP.
Jokić listed only the most significant interventions from the extensive list of ongoing tasks, and those that are to take place in the months to come. These are above all, the mounting tasks of the guiding device that should start mid-February, and afterwards, a part of the works on electrical equipment. Much of the work has already been executed, and that mostly refers to the stator and rotor of the main generator. A new stator was installed i.e. mounted last year. Also, repair works and adequate main generator rotor cleaning were performed with success, and the generator equipped with new poles is awaiting to be installed.
The works are carried out as planned , and if the equipment supplier and Project holder , ”Silovije mašini” meets the deadline regarding the delivery of the new parts and repair works i.e. rehabilitation of the dismantled parts of the turbine for the power unit No. A-5 that were sent to Russia, the revitalization of the machine, the third largest, could start no later than September 1st.
Source Kwh/Serbia Energy