The average price of electricity on the day-ahead market of Romanian energy exchange OPCOM in September has risen in comparison to the price in the previous month and to the same month last year as well.
According to data published by OPCOM, the average price on the day-ahead market in September 2018 amounted to 59.11 euros/MWh, which is 13.7 % higher compared to the price in August and 40 % higher compared to the price in September 2017. A total of 1.85 TWh was traded on the spot market in September 2018, which reduced the share of the day-ahead market in national consumption to 42.5 %.
The increase of price on the day-ahead market does not affect end consumers directly, because electricity for their supply is purchased mainly through bilateral contracts, while purchases on the day-ahead market are only used to cover eventual differences.
The bilateral contracts market also saw significant increase in both the price and the volume of traded electricity. In September, the price on the centralized bilateral contracts market amounted to 55.69 euros/MWh with total traded volume of 4 TWh. In August, the price was 52.04 euros/MWh with traded volume of 3 TWh.
Regarding forward contracts at OPCOM, the average weighted price for September delivery was 40.05 euros/MWh.