Romanian Minister of Energy Virgil Popescu said that the deadline for submitting projects to obtain financing to support investments in high-efficiency cogeneration in the centralized district heating sector has been extended to 15 September. The initial deadline was on 15 August.
The total estimated budget of the scheme is 388 million euros, consisting of 298.5 million euros of European funds secured through the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism within the National Plan of Recovery and Resilience (PNNR) and national funds of 89.5 million euros by applying the 30 % overcontracting percentage.
Fundable projects under the scheme must ensure the construction or modernization of high- efficiency cogeneration electricity and heat production units in the gas-fired, flexible and high -efficiency cogeneration central heating sector. Investments must replace at least the same capacity of power plants and/or thermal energy production plants with significantly higher carbon dioxide emissions (for example, based on coal, lignite or oil), thus leading to a decrease in greenhouse gases emissions.
Through the implementation of these projects, the aim is to increase the installed capacity in cogeneration in the centralized heating system by some 300 MW.