During the period between 2014 and 2020, Distributie Energie Electrica Romania (DEER), the company established by the merger of Electrica’s three electricity distribution subsidiaries, completed investments of more than 850 million euros in the modernization and refurbishment of electricity distribution networks.
In 2020, DEER completed 100.5 % of its investment plan, approved by ANRE. Thus, the total value of investments made and already put into operation was over 120 million euros (41 million in the North Muntenia region, 38.5 million in the North Transylvania region and 42 million euros in the South Transylvania region).
The total investments made by the electricity distribution companies within the Electrica Group, in the period 2018-2020, exceeded the value of 400 million euros.
The most important investments aimed at improving the quality of the distribution service and increasing operational efficiency, by modernizing, automating facilities, implementing modern technologies as well as increasing energy efficiency by reducing network losses.
For 2021, the DEER investment plan remains an ambitious one, the planned investments from own sources amount to 130 million euros, of which approximately 28 % target energy efficiency projects, 22 % projects for improving the quality of distribution service (continuity in supply and energy quality) and 27 % projects aimed at connecting new customers.