Electricity traders in Romania complained about the decision of the Romanian regulatory agency ANRE which forces them to trade with electricity at fixed prices and quantities on January 1st, 2015th. The appeal does not stop the commandapplication, but suppliers seek legal ways to achieve this goal.
ANRE believes that there are manipulations at the electricity market in previous years, through closed transactions in the stock market OPCOM with variable prices and quantities. “Operators say that they should be allowed to make contracts with flexible prices (price formula) and the uncertain quantities, as this will encourage long-term contracts and energy products contracting with great variation in production capacities, in particular, based on renewable energy sources. Competition for the price, in most cases, only one percent share of the contract price represents the manipulation of the electricity market”, claim ANREexperts.
Operators argue that ANRE prevents the marketdevelopment, by establishing mandatory trading of electricity, with fixed prices and quantities, which will disable to enter into long-term contracts. ANRE experts say that the purpose of medium and long-term contracts is mainly in order to provide a well-defined fixed price and quantity, which allows the expenses and incomebudgeting.