According to electricity distributor and supplier CEZ, the recent rise in electricity prices has accelerated the trend of electricity consumers, both residential and commercial, becoming prosumers.
The statement from CEZ Romania said that, at the level of the distribution operator, the company offers advice and support in the connection process for a considerable number of companies and individuals who own solar power plants. So far, in the Oltenia distribution area, 2,358 producers are connected, totaling an installed capacity of 308.21 MW.
The number of more than 2,350 electricity producers supported by the distribution network managed by CEZ will grow by the end of this year, as the trend of consumers making the leap to electricity production is increasingly visible.
According to CEZ, the distribution operator within the group has issued technical approvals for connections and connection contracts totaling a capacity of 223.95 MW.
Practically, by the end of this year, Oltenia will have a completely new production portfolio with a capacity of over 530 MW of solar energy.