The Romanian companies will be subcontractors for operation on reactors 3 and 4 of Cernavoda nuclear power plant, whose value is about 1.5 to 2 billion EUR, but this figure needs to be approved by the Romanian partners, said David Hu Zhuo, deputy director of China Nuclear Power General Corporation (CGN).
He added that the involvement of local companies is necessary for the economy, but also from a strategic point of view. “We estimate that we will provide 1.5 to 2 million EUR to local subcontractors… In the first phase of the project we will open around 5,000 jobs at the peak of the works, there will be engaged about 20,000 workers”, said Hu Zhuo.
Although he could not specify a deadline for the contract conclusion, the Chinese representative claims that negotiations reached a significant progress.
CGN has been appointed as an investor in the project for unit 3 and 4 of Cernavoda nuclear sites. In accordance with the adopted term plan, the next stage of the selection process are the negotiation and signing of the Memorandum of Understanding, followed by negotiations on the Founding Act and the contract signing on establishment of a new project company.