A process of closure of two of the underground mining operations in the Jiu Valley, Lonea and Lupeni, has already been postponed and according to a draft decision of the Ministry of Economy and Energy it will require total funds of 22.5 million euros in this year.
The state aid in the total amount of 22.5 million euros for 2020, is fully supported from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Economy and Energy, approved for 2020 and is a support measure that is part from a broader plan of measures, which includes the granting of state aid and aimed at closing non-competitive mines within the Energy Complex (EC) Hunedoara, which is under insolvency proceedings. These support measures are granted until 2024 and have been notified and authorized by European Commission.
The closure plan provided for the cessation of production activity at the Lonea and Lupeni mines to take place at the end of 2018, but the deadline was extended until the end of this year for Lonea and until July 2021 for Lupeni mine.