After successfully completing the regular annual overhaul, power plant “Ugljevik” restarted to work last night and synchronization of the block to the electrical power grid was successfully completed, reports Pan Radio.
It was planned that this year’s overhaul last sixty days, from 20. March to 20. May, due to additional investment works that were foreseen in it, and all the operations were well completed and on time.
In this overhaul central investment venture is certainly automation block, or introduction of system to manage and monitoring work of the block. Following the introduction of automation, it is expected to achieve the work optimization of the block and reduce the impact of subjective factors in the management mode of operation. The value of this project (equipment and works) is about 4 million KM. In the mine and power plant “Ugljevik” point out that ,in comparison to a similar experiences in the region in performing such procedures, the installation of automation system of the block in ”Ugljevik“ was well done and in record time.
In regular overhaul works, more than sixty different positions, plants and operations were included, while the certain investment activities, replacement and reconstruction of the plant were done on 45 positions.
Among other things, in this year’s overhaul slag remover and input were replaced. In the future, the emphasis will be placed on environmental projects, say in this company.
In last year, the plant installation for wastewater refinement was completed and reconstruction of electrostatic precipitators it is planned for the next year, which will reduce flue gas emissions below 50 mg / Nm ³ which is in line with european standards.
When the environment protection is concerned, the biggest and most important job is certainly to realize desulfurization project, for which has already been granted a Japanese loan of EUR 100 million, with a total repayment period of thirty years, including a grace period of ten years.
The consultancy “Hamon Enviruserv” from Germany, with the approval of the Japanese partners (JICA), is engaged in with the task of preparing tender documents for the pre– qualification tender and monitoring the realization of the project to its completion.
During this year, the pre-qualification tender will be called for the qualification of a number of potential contractors on the desulfurization project, and the realization of this environmental project, the largest and most important project of its kind in the entire “Republic of Serbian Electric Power Industry” is expected in the coming years.