Persistence of domestic and foreign companies related to investments in deposits of this precious metal talks a lot about how much Serbia is rich in gold. In our country, gold is primarily explored on 19 locations, while together with some other metals, such as copper, on 27 locations.
According to some estimations, Eastern Serbia has the most of gold-130 tons. Avala resources company, that has done researches on Black Peak for two years, has announced that near Zagubica exists deposit which can give 48 tons of gold. This company has invested 90 million of euros until now.
The newest Serbian gold deposit is in Zagubica. This is gold ore, and estimated ore quantity is 38 million of tons, with the average gold content of 1,3gram/ton-said the research manager of this company, Justin Van Der Tor.
It is not precisely known how much gold exists in Serbia. Jelena Milenkovic, from Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial planing says for