Urgent draining of the Kolubara’s mines and normalization of the TPPNT supply with the necessary amount of coal for the winter season is the matter of the highest priority.
This was stated by the Minister of Mining and Energy of Serbia, Aleksandar Antić, at the meeting at the ministry where it was agreed that the Department for Emergency Situations in coordination with the Public Enterprise Electric Power Industry of Serbia (EPS) and Mining Basin (MB) “Kolubara” provide an opportunity to engage additional pumps that are already in Serbia.
The meeting with Mr. Antić was attended by the management of EPS, MB „Kolubara“, Department for Emergency Situations, Public Enterprises „Srbijavode“, and „Beogradvode“, Institute for Water Resources “JaroslavČerni” and Public Procurement Office.
Acting Director of EPS, Aleksandar Obradović and Director of MB “Kolubara” Milorad Grčić informed the public about all the undertaken measures and activities and pointed out that at that moment from the mine “Veliki Crljeni” the water was pumped – 3.6 cubic meters per second.
As they pointed out the tendency was to increase the amount of the pumped water by including the additional pumps coming from the different public facilities on the territory of Serbia.
The representatives of “Srbijavode”, “Beogradvode” and Institute “JaroslavČerni” gave an analysis on the embankments at the river “Kolubara” and defined the safety assessment of the water draining process into the riverbed of Kolubara River in the following period.
Institute “Jaroslav Černi” assumed the obligation to complete the technical analysis, by Friday, 13th June, which would define the maximal amount of water that could be pumped out from the mines into the Kolubara River, taking into account all the safety and ecological aspects.
At the meeting, it was concluded that the different offers, that the well-known foreign companies with the experience in dealing with the crisis situations caused by floods had sent, regarding the draining of the Tamnava’s mines, EPS and MB “Kolubara”, along with the Public Procurement Office, should introduce in the procedure of public procurement in order to ensure the transparency and competitiveness.