In order to maintain frequency and neighbouring systems exchange power at a given value, in accordance with the rules of the European Interaction (ENTSO-E Continental Europe), JP Elektromreza Srbije is obliged to provide a reserve of active power for the needs of secondary regulation within the power system of Serbia.
The paper by M. Djurdjevic, Z. Rudic, N. Obradovic and N. Turudija from JP Elektromreza Srbije and G. Jakupovic, N. Cukalevski from the Mihajlo Pupin Institute, describes the implementation and testing of the latest SM Block regulator at the national control center of the Serbian transmission system operator – JP Elektromreza Srbije, as part of the upgraded stand-by SCADA/EMS system. Phase I of the modernization and upgrade project of the SCADA/AGC system was completed and the system is in operation. The latest version of the SMM block regulator at the national control centre operated by JP Elektromreza Srbije was commissioned on 24 December 2014.
According to the results obtained during the testing and on the basis of previous experience in operation with the new block regulator, it may be concluded that the new SMM Block regulator provides high-quality monitoring of regulation areas as well as the calculation of their regulation errors. As part of the modernization and upgrade project of the existing SCADA/EMS system at the national control centre operated by JP Elektromreza Srbije, advanced AGC functions were also implemented. AGC is a production management system, providing the following functions: regulation of frequency and exchange power (LFC), exchange power planning (ITS), regulation reserve control (RM), LFC regulation performance monitoring (PM) and SMM block LFC regulator (SMM).
In order to maintain frequency and neighbouring systems exchange power at a given value, in accordance with the rules of the European Interaction (ENTSO-E Continental Europe), JP Elektromreza Srbije is obliged to provide a reserve of active power for the needs of secondary regulation within the power system of Serbia. As part of the cooperation inside the Continental Europe, transmission system operators of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia formed a special unit, the so-called SMM control block. As the SMM block coordinator, JP Elektromreza Srbije is under obligation to calculate the SMM block control error in real-time, as well as regulation errors of its members. Connecting power systems into interconnections increases the reliability and stability of the system, transmits