Power utility company EPS after the approval on investment and financing plan for overhaul season in 2014, obtained from Gov of Serbia, is starting its overhaul season with minor delays. The overhaul cycle will include capital overhaul on thermal power plants and hydro power plants, maintenance projects are included as regular works. According to EPS, despite the delays in approving the investment cycle financing plans, capital repairs in the power plants were not jeopardized when concerning terms, because they began later.
In Hydro-Sector it is about revitalization of the aggregate 5 in PP “Djerdap 1”, and EPS expects to have this job finished at the end of this year, i.e. on 26st December, according to time schedule. In PP “Kostolac B” EPSs expect that revitalization of Unit 1 will be finished according plan, on 30th November. In PP “Nikola Tesla” the capital repair of Unit 3 is characterized with some revitalization because of the planned installation of a new turbine, a new electro filter and stay of generator, and it will be started on 1st June, a month later than expected. It should be finished on 27th November. Unit 1 in this power plant will be integrated in the capital repair on 21st June, and it is planned to be finished up to 28th September. Capital repairs will also include aggregates 1 and 2 in the PP “Djerdap”.
According to EPS, despite the delays in approving the investment cycle financing plans, capital repairs in the power plants were not jeopardized when concerning terms, because they began later. Revitalization of the aggregate A5 in HPP “Djerdap 1”, which is financed from debt of Russian Federation to Serbia, began in spring last year and it is going on undisturbed. Capital repair of Unit 1 in PP “Kostolac B”, which is mostly financed by the Chinese lawn, has started in time, and if the obliged procurement on the part of “Kostolac” will be performed faster, there is no reason that they would not be finished on time. However, we were concerned of capital repairs of the Units 1 and 3 in PP “Nikola Tesla A”, where the resources share of EPS is significant. Because of waiting for ABP adoption, the start of these two repairs was postponed for a month, which means that they would be finished in the autumn, i.e. the end of September (A1), and the end of November (A3). However, they still remain as acceptable terms, but because of rational reasons it was planned at first to finish the activities the month earlier. Not only are these two Units in question. All repairs are postponed consequently, apart from these two already mentioned, for a month. The reasons of these postponements are financial matter. However, it is definitely that we are going to finish them before winter confirmed from EPS for Serbia Energy.
Source; Serbia Energy